Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Still work to be done.
Wow. I had a great time at work yesterday. In perfect alignment with my new journey of reconfiguring my brain to be more positive, we had a Laughter Yoga and Meditation Instructor come to work with us at a self care workshop. It was great. I really enjoyed myself and the time spent with coworkers just being silly. Additionally, the guided meditation was exhilarating. There were many times I was smiling in amazement about where I was in my mind. He also gave us a great little mantra....
I love you. I'm sorry. Please Forgive Me. Thank You.
It roots are in Buddhism I believe is what he said. The basic premise is that we go into all interactions with a preconceived notion of the person with whom we are going to interact. By saying this prior to those interactions, especially if we fear they will be stressful, this can help to calm our minds. You are no longer thinking about how bad it is going to go, rather you are focusing on the statement which creates a different space in which the interaction can exist.
It really fits perfectly in everything I have learned up until now about not taking things personally and understanding that everyone comes into being through their own stories and experiences. Those are the only things they have to frame who we are, so we can't beat ourselves up so much based on others reactions to us. Additionally, we can't beat them up either because they may not be at a point where they recognize the same things we do.
That being said, I was faced with putting this into action yesterday and I am still wrestling with it today. I got to the workshop late and I jumped right into the laughing exercise that was taking place. It was not until after the workshop that I was told I got eye rolls from a woman from another agency. It was then discussed by her and her coworker as to whether or not I was wearing a bra. In addition to this day, I also found out that she has previously asked my coworkers what they "think" about me. Hearing all of this, I immediately became defensive and pissed and sad and questioning "who am I?" "what did I do to create this hostility?" However, looking back on the way this woman interacted in the workshop, her energy was very low and quite negative. She did not want to be there. I would guess our energies are very different and slightly at odds. Something about her story has me playing a part I'd rather not play. But, I can't help that. I have to realize it isn't personal. Or perhaps it is...perhaps I have slighted her at one point although I do not remember meeting her. Even so, her story has prevented her from seeking me out to discuss such a slight, so again, I can't fix what I do not know is wrong either.
What is frustrating is that I still find myself thinking about it today. Obviously...I'm typing this whole darn thing, aren't I? But, I think I'll be okay. And btw, I was not wearing a bra then and I'm not wearing one today either. In my story, that is perfectly fine:-)
I love you. I'm sorry. Please Forgive Me. Thank You.
It roots are in Buddhism I believe is what he said. The basic premise is that we go into all interactions with a preconceived notion of the person with whom we are going to interact. By saying this prior to those interactions, especially if we fear they will be stressful, this can help to calm our minds. You are no longer thinking about how bad it is going to go, rather you are focusing on the statement which creates a different space in which the interaction can exist.
It really fits perfectly in everything I have learned up until now about not taking things personally and understanding that everyone comes into being through their own stories and experiences. Those are the only things they have to frame who we are, so we can't beat ourselves up so much based on others reactions to us. Additionally, we can't beat them up either because they may not be at a point where they recognize the same things we do.
That being said, I was faced with putting this into action yesterday and I am still wrestling with it today. I got to the workshop late and I jumped right into the laughing exercise that was taking place. It was not until after the workshop that I was told I got eye rolls from a woman from another agency. It was then discussed by her and her coworker as to whether or not I was wearing a bra. In addition to this day, I also found out that she has previously asked my coworkers what they "think" about me. Hearing all of this, I immediately became defensive and pissed and sad and questioning "who am I?" "what did I do to create this hostility?" However, looking back on the way this woman interacted in the workshop, her energy was very low and quite negative. She did not want to be there. I would guess our energies are very different and slightly at odds. Something about her story has me playing a part I'd rather not play. But, I can't help that. I have to realize it isn't personal. Or perhaps it is...perhaps I have slighted her at one point although I do not remember meeting her. Even so, her story has prevented her from seeking me out to discuss such a slight, so again, I can't fix what I do not know is wrong either.
What is frustrating is that I still find myself thinking about it today. Obviously...I'm typing this whole darn thing, aren't I? But, I think I'll be okay. And btw, I was not wearing a bra then and I'm not wearing one today either. In my story, that is perfectly fine:-)
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
A New Adoration for Life!
Sadly, Josh does not have the same zest for life that I do right now which is ironic as just months ago he was saying he is the happiest he has ever been, and I was still a blubbering mess on the couch (pre-lexapro). But, I am so happy. I mean, there are things I'm still working on, and sometimes I get down on myself about choices I'd rather I didn't make. For the most part though, I'm loving life. I love yoga. I look forward to it rather than forcing myself to go when I first started it. I went rock climbing again last night with Josh. That was so fun! I climbed 3 walls. I also have an insane bruise on my arm from what I am assuming is the first climbing experience on Friday with Josie. Seriously, I bruise so easily. I'm suprised I don't pass out sometimes from the amount of blood that flows not in my veins but subcutaneously. I guess it is still in my body, so that probably helps.
I'm also still waiting for my stylist to get back from her funfilled vacay on the beach. I have found another picture that I think might be more me, yet still scene-a-riffic. Maybe a titch more color in with the blonde, but who knows. A place to start at least! I have to wait until the first week of March anyway, so I'll let ya'll know what happens when it happens.
Oh, and I talked to my long time friend Shana yesterday. That was awesome. So glad I did not screen that call. Always good to talk to a friend who has known you for a lifetime and knows all your quirks and quandries in life! Love you Shane!
I'm also still waiting for my stylist to get back from her funfilled vacay on the beach. I have found another picture that I think might be more me, yet still scene-a-riffic. Maybe a titch more color in with the blonde, but who knows. A place to start at least! I have to wait until the first week of March anyway, so I'll let ya'll know what happens when it happens.
Oh, and I talked to my long time friend Shana yesterday. That was awesome. So glad I did not screen that call. Always good to talk to a friend who has known you for a lifetime and knows all your quirks and quandries in life! Love you Shane!
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
To my faithful readers...
I'm sure there are many of you. Things have been hectic right now. Between dealing with what seems to be an continually blossoming relationship with the legal system, teaching, working, being sick, and life in general, I have just kind of been zoning out.
But, honestly things are going really well. Teaching is awesome so far again and it sounds like I may be on again for the Fall despite budget cuts. It appears as if Seeds might be okay as far as the state budget is concerned as well! So, work for me appears to be somewhat secured for now. I was also notified that I now qualify for UNI benefits which I was not aware would be happening as an adjunct. That means Josh finally has insurance....thank goodness. That boy is falling apart at the seams! Plus, he wants to stop smoking, so now we can get him on a med for that.
My mental health is going relatively well. The Universe definitely knows what we can handle and when. It is amazing that some of what I most feared has happened, and I have really sailed through now that it. I think what has already happened is the easy part though. Josh has a hard road ahead of him in seeking sobriety, and I as his partner will in turn have a long road. My therapist suggested Al-Anon for me. I never thought I'd be attending something like that. But, I'll do my part to be a strong support system for Josh!
All last weekend I was sick with the BIG D!!! I didn't feel sick, but I couldn't eat much and was completely drained, so I slept the entire weekend. I didn't get my hair colored because of this! Now I have to wait for her to get back from Florida. I did stave off the sickness long enough to have a wonderful night at Spicoli's watching Soul Fusion. A night of dancing to them is like a good therapy session. I adore losing myself in the music and not giving a care how I move or what i look like. Just rocking out to the music. Best thing ever! I didn't stop dancing their entire set. The only thing I regret about that night was how many people were there that I knew. It was the best and worst part of the night. Seeing all those people were awesome, but it meant I beebopped around the bar and never really spent quality time with anyone. I also ended up being fairly enibriated which means I was probalby not someone to you'd want to spend quality time with anyway:) Oh well, I had fun. I need to stop overanalyzing and just appreciate it for what it was. Still my negative self creeping in...grr!!!!
OH, and I started Yoga with a friend, Kristi. So far, soooo hard! But I love it, and the instructor reads a snippet at the end of each meeting. It is like she is psychic. during cool down, I always do a little mediation for myself, and she always reads something that corresponds perfectly with what I am meditating over already. Definitely something good I'm doing for myself. I still need to go rock climbing with Josie. I'll have such a well rounded workout routine with all these things going on!
Well, there is a little update. Now I need to catch up on all your blogs...cause I haven't been on the blogspot in a minute!
But, honestly things are going really well. Teaching is awesome so far again and it sounds like I may be on again for the Fall despite budget cuts. It appears as if Seeds might be okay as far as the state budget is concerned as well! So, work for me appears to be somewhat secured for now. I was also notified that I now qualify for UNI benefits which I was not aware would be happening as an adjunct. That means Josh finally has insurance....thank goodness. That boy is falling apart at the seams! Plus, he wants to stop smoking, so now we can get him on a med for that.
My mental health is going relatively well. The Universe definitely knows what we can handle and when. It is amazing that some of what I most feared has happened, and I have really sailed through now that it. I think what has already happened is the easy part though. Josh has a hard road ahead of him in seeking sobriety, and I as his partner will in turn have a long road. My therapist suggested Al-Anon for me. I never thought I'd be attending something like that. But, I'll do my part to be a strong support system for Josh!
All last weekend I was sick with the BIG D!!! I didn't feel sick, but I couldn't eat much and was completely drained, so I slept the entire weekend. I didn't get my hair colored because of this! Now I have to wait for her to get back from Florida. I did stave off the sickness long enough to have a wonderful night at Spicoli's watching Soul Fusion. A night of dancing to them is like a good therapy session. I adore losing myself in the music and not giving a care how I move or what i look like. Just rocking out to the music. Best thing ever! I didn't stop dancing their entire set. The only thing I regret about that night was how many people were there that I knew. It was the best and worst part of the night. Seeing all those people were awesome, but it meant I beebopped around the bar and never really spent quality time with anyone. I also ended up being fairly enibriated which means I was probalby not someone to you'd want to spend quality time with anyway:) Oh well, I had fun. I need to stop overanalyzing and just appreciate it for what it was. Still my negative self creeping in...grr!!!!
OH, and I started Yoga with a friend, Kristi. So far, soooo hard! But I love it, and the instructor reads a snippet at the end of each meeting. It is like she is psychic. during cool down, I always do a little mediation for myself, and she always reads something that corresponds perfectly with what I am meditating over already. Definitely something good I'm doing for myself. I still need to go rock climbing with Josie. I'll have such a well rounded workout routine with all these things going on!
Well, there is a little update. Now I need to catch up on all your blogs...cause I haven't been on the blogspot in a minute!
Monday, February 9, 2009
Scene Hair Part Duex
Scene Hair?
So I am mortified. I am apparently a "life is painer". This is my and my husband's pet name for emo kids. But I'm finding, as I am on my quest for cute, sassy, short hair, I am discovering that there is a name for the hairstyles to which I am drawn. Scene Hair or Emo Hair. Eeeegads! My recent quest is color. I want streaks of vibrant fun color in my hair. As I'm searching for this on google...I kept coming up with "scene hair".
Well, I don't care. I think we all know I'm definitely part of no particular scene unless it is the "heading into her mid-30s" scene. I hear it's pretty cool, so I'm pumped for joining the scene with my new Scene Hair! I called to make an appointment today, so get ready people. I'll be all over the scene. SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Well, I don't care. I think we all know I'm definitely part of no particular scene unless it is the "heading into her mid-30s" scene. I hear it's pretty cool, so I'm pumped for joining the scene with my new Scene Hair! I called to make an appointment today, so get ready people. I'll be all over the scene. SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Friday, February 6, 2009
Tonight I went to Amigos for a couple of Mararitas with my friend Josie. I was going to say coworker, but I feel she is a friend at this point...not just a coworker. She is so great to just blab to about my stress. With the new direction I am taking in my life as far as being positive and "not taking things personally" and all that jazz, sometimes it gets hard, and you still need someone to vent to. Thank goodness I do have all my friends that I work with...we waste many an hour just debriefing about work and personal life during work hours. I wish I still had the entire crew there, but they are still with me in spirit, I know!
Anyway, even when you are trying to stay positive and be impeccable with your can be hard to never gossip or just unload about shit. Josie is a good one to do that with because she will let you do that, and then remind you that there are more important things to focus on....that life is great! That I have so much to be thankful for....Thanks Josie!
Anyway, even when you are trying to stay positive and be impeccable with your can be hard to never gossip or just unload about shit. Josie is a good one to do that with because she will let you do that, and then remind you that there are more important things to focus on....that life is great! That I have so much to be thankful for....Thanks Josie!
Monday, February 2, 2009
Did more than half of my last post seriously consist of information regarding Jessica Simpson? What is that about? I don't even listen to her music. I'm am drawn to weird things sometimes.
I'm also working on the first month of Mystery School. I can tell it is going to be a tough but introspective year ahead. It is really hard to describe what is going on right now. I'm having a tough time wrapping my mind around it without explaining it. Basically, it is more questioning on why and how we have come to be who we are. I really love it and hope to become more involved in the conversations that take place with the other Mysteries.
I also hope that perhaps before the year is over, I can find the strength to visit the Grove! I just want to see all the doggies. Doggie heaven!!!!
I'm also working on the first month of Mystery School. I can tell it is going to be a tough but introspective year ahead. It is really hard to describe what is going on right now. I'm having a tough time wrapping my mind around it without explaining it. Basically, it is more questioning on why and how we have come to be who we are. I really love it and hope to become more involved in the conversations that take place with the other Mysteries.
I also hope that perhaps before the year is over, I can find the strength to visit the Grove! I just want to see all the doggies. Doggie heaven!!!!
Updates and ramblings
Well, it is the Monday after SBS! Josh teased me incessantly about not playing the part of the good SB wife and making up the snacks. Finally, in a moment of true frustration, he set out to cut the meat and cheese tray during the last 54 seconds of the first half. As most of you know, he missed a big play. I was actually in to the game and was screaming my butt off and he was very annoyed and pissed at me and his friend Travis. We were slightly amused at his impatience which led to the event that led to the annoyance at ME! My bad...oh well, I never said I was wife material:) But, he got over it.
Loved the Obama interview prior to the game or whenever that aired, and I love how his comment on Jessica Simpson covering his face on the cover of People. "Apparently she is facing a weight crisis. Ah well." Josh and I were dying. Video here. (although labeled "Obama calls JS fat, he is not...he is joking about how stupid the title is from what I can tell). Especially after we saw this The Soup clip..about a minute in, Joel discusses the crisis in Jessica Simpson mom jeans news. Which, yeah, not so flattering, but I don't think she has gotten to the point where she could be called fat. I'd be willing to guess she is still thinner than me. Sorry, I don't consider myself fat, so perhaps we just need a call in to What not to Wear as opposed to Weight Watchers. Or maybe we cold all just get a life.
Additionally, in my quest to defend us short chunksters everywhere, I found this video of JS. Proving as a photographer once told me, two demensions really packs the weight on as compared to three dimensions. She looks SKINNY in the video...although the pants are still unflattering...but I'm not Stacy and Clinton either so I have no room to talk.
Anyway...other than is swell. HOpe everyone else is doig well.
Loved the Obama interview prior to the game or whenever that aired, and I love how his comment on Jessica Simpson covering his face on the cover of People. "Apparently she is facing a weight crisis. Ah well." Josh and I were dying. Video here. (although labeled "Obama calls JS fat, he is not...he is joking about how stupid the title is from what I can tell). Especially after we saw this The Soup clip..about a minute in, Joel discusses the crisis in Jessica Simpson mom jeans news. Which, yeah, not so flattering, but I don't think she has gotten to the point where she could be called fat. I'd be willing to guess she is still thinner than me. Sorry, I don't consider myself fat, so perhaps we just need a call in to What not to Wear as opposed to Weight Watchers. Or maybe we cold all just get a life.
Additionally, in my quest to defend us short chunksters everywhere, I found this video of JS. Proving as a photographer once told me, two demensions really packs the weight on as compared to three dimensions. She looks SKINNY in the video...although the pants are still unflattering...but I'm not Stacy and Clinton either so I have no room to talk.
Anyway...other than is swell. HOpe everyone else is doig well.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Skirt Stacy
I just opened up a Word Seek book and the first puzzle I opened to was this:
Find the word skirt 28 times hidden in the box. 23 so far! That is a lot of skirts, even for me!
Find the word skirt 28 times hidden in the box. 23 so far! That is a lot of skirts, even for me!
Extra Cheese Please!
I love the Daily Show for being fair and balanced. Although an avid Obama supporter, I thoroughly enjoyed this clip. Guess it just goes to show that sometimes it is the packaging more so than the contents! Although I have faith that the contents are a bit more quality this time around as well. Also, had anyone else ever thought about cheese on chinese food? How funny and true!
Also, getting a hair cut today! Actually in about 30 minutes. Trying a new funky place called Snipz. I'm excited to try it out. I saw an article about it in the paper, and it looked like a great place. Close to work too! 604 Baltimore in Waterloo! (This just in, haircut of my life!)
My mom suggested I start Mystery School through the Grove this year. She gifted me the year, so I am super excited. I will probably not participate in person this year unless I make great strides in with my anxiety issues, but I'm very excited for the online participation and the personal growth that is sure to come!
If you are interested in more info you can go to They also have a dog rescue! Pretty awesome.
Also, getting a hair cut today! Actually in about 30 minutes. Trying a new funky place called Snipz. I'm excited to try it out. I saw an article about it in the paper, and it looked like a great place. Close to work too! 604 Baltimore in Waterloo! (This just in, haircut of my life!)
My mom suggested I start Mystery School through the Grove this year. She gifted me the year, so I am super excited. I will probably not participate in person this year unless I make great strides in with my anxiety issues, but I'm very excited for the online participation and the personal growth that is sure to come!
If you are interested in more info you can go to They also have a dog rescue! Pretty awesome.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Coconut Lime Verbena
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Short Hair: The New Drug
Well, I'm still waiting to see the hot new pics of my friend Josie and her recent hair chop! But, she did remind me that I need to get mine cut again. It is amazing once you go short, how much you notice that it has grown in places you don't want it to. The back of my hair needs to be trimmed up again.
Actually, I have a new inspiration. Aeon Flux/Rhianna.

I just don't think my hair dresser trusts that I want it to be kind of "edgy". I feel dumb saying that, but I don't want it to be all perfectly bobbed and cutsy. So, I'm sure I'll be calling for a spur of the moment hair cut soon! Wish me luck!
And Josie, if you read this...get crackn on the pic posts! Or come see me:)
Actually, I have a new inspiration. Aeon Flux/Rhianna.
I just don't think my hair dresser trusts that I want it to be kind of "edgy". I feel dumb saying that, but I don't want it to be all perfectly bobbed and cutsy. So, I'm sure I'll be calling for a spur of the moment hair cut soon! Wish me luck!
And Josie, if you read this...get crackn on the pic posts! Or come see me:)
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
I'm Yours
I'm guessing this song is overplayed and really popular right now. I say guessing because I don't really listen to much besides 97.7 Classic Rock (although is Pearl Jam and Counting Crows classic already? If it is...kill me now) so I don't really know for sure. Additionally, it has that "hey I'm different and kind of cool" sound that makes all the kids flock to it even though it isn't really all that different.
Anyway, every time I have heard this song which has been a handful, I absolutely love it. I plan to get it on my IPOD tonight! Sorry for those who know it is overplayed and hate it now because of it:)
Anyway, every time I have heard this song which has been a handful, I absolutely love it. I plan to get it on my IPOD tonight! Sorry for those who know it is overplayed and hate it now because of it:)
Me watching current movies? Who is this strange woman?
As most of my family and friends know, I don't really enjoy going to movies. I mean, once I go, its fine. But, the idea of going is not all too thrilling. Expensive, uncomfortable, potentially trapped in the middle of a row, and no pause capabilities. But, I have found this great web site. You can watch movies online at
You don't have to download anything to do this, so I don't think it is illegal on my part. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they are bad quality, sometimes they are picture perfect. I got lucky and found picture perfect for Benjamin Button and 7 Pounds. Usually, I would have never seen these until they made their way on to cable.
Well, I didn't plan on seeing Seven Pounds based on my family's recommendation that it would destroy me. It pretty much did. I'm a wuss and hate to cry at movies. I cried a lot. But, I figured it would be good and since I was prepared, I would risk it. I am glad I saw it. Wil Smith did an awesome job. It was just pretty sad.
Benjamin Button was really good too. It was long...3 hours. I was glad I got to watch it at home because I took lots of breaks. It was kind of like a good book more than a movie. I won't discuss in detail, but I have some concerns with logic (yes other than the obvious subject of the movie) at the end. So, if you have seen it, I need someone to bounce the concerns off of.
So, I'm actually hoping to see more movies now that I can do it from my own home. At least until they shut the site down which I'm sure will inevitably happen.
You don't have to download anything to do this, so I don't think it is illegal on my part. Sometimes they work, sometimes they don't. Sometimes they are bad quality, sometimes they are picture perfect. I got lucky and found picture perfect for Benjamin Button and 7 Pounds. Usually, I would have never seen these until they made their way on to cable.
Well, I didn't plan on seeing Seven Pounds based on my family's recommendation that it would destroy me. It pretty much did. I'm a wuss and hate to cry at movies. I cried a lot. But, I figured it would be good and since I was prepared, I would risk it. I am glad I saw it. Wil Smith did an awesome job. It was just pretty sad.
Benjamin Button was really good too. It was long...3 hours. I was glad I got to watch it at home because I took lots of breaks. It was kind of like a good book more than a movie. I won't discuss in detail, but I have some concerns with logic (yes other than the obvious subject of the movie) at the end. So, if you have seen it, I need someone to bounce the concerns off of.
So, I'm actually hoping to see more movies now that I can do it from my own home. At least until they shut the site down which I'm sure will inevitably happen.
Good year so far:)
Me and Kala.
Well, the year is off to a good start. First off, our roommate Ben moved out. Not that Ben was a bad roommate. But can I just tell you I love wondering around in my house without clothes! It is so awesome to do that again! And then, we officially kicked it off at Seth and Kala's house which is documented above!
Secondly, with that comes my new and improved exercise room. My mom gave me her elliptical machine to hold on to for her and it has been in the dark and dingy basement. Now it is in our extra bedroom with light and windows and room to move! I love it. Had my first workout of the year last night! Thanks to Mariah for talking to me and keeping me moving 30 minutes more than I probably would have gone!
Thirdly, dog walks! Loving the dog walks. Even more so now that I have my fabtastic snowsuit! I remember the days of begging and pleading to not have to wear these to school any longer. I could hardly wait to get my hands on this one so I could walk the dogs through hell, high water, or Iowa winter! Below is a picture of the snow suit or coverall I like to refer to it. I was practically dying of heat exhaustion last night on our walk. In fact I went close to 2 miles with Jack and Lucy because I was so warm! I've been told by Josh that I look like a giant turd which I'm guessing is accurate based on what I can see of myself without a mirror. I'll have to take a picture and post it for your comic relief.
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