Well, last night. Josh and I were wrestling. We were having so much fun actually, but too much horseplay results in injury. "Someone's gonna get hurt!!" All of a sudden my earring got hooked on his tooth and as we separated he grabbed his mouth and I my ear. I was sure his tooth was hurt. I have some pretty serious weapons as earrings. But, upon further investigation it was actually my ear that got the raw end of the deal.
I wouldn't look at it because I was nervous about how bad it was, but Josh was convinced we needed to go to Urgent Care for stitches. I was still convinced we could just glue it. So, we got to UC and the Dr. said yes, we will glue it. There was a wait. I didn't want to wait because as I suspected, we could glue it. So, we left. We glued it! Yay.
I'm pretty sure Urgent Care thinks I'm a freak though. Here is my injury all glued up:)
AGH!!! I'm siding with Urgent Care on this one...
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