Wednesday, July 30, 2008
If you haven't seen this, you MUST!
Christian The Lion - the Full Story - The best home videos are here
Read a bit morehere Simply amazing.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Friday, July 25, 2008
Family is family is family.
Oh this is so cute, and makes me smile! But of course, it also makes me sad and gets me all analytical. This video definitely definitely drives home the reason I am all for the ethical treatment of animals. This family is clearly a family. They have a clear connection to each other that is similar to any human family I have ever seen. And yet, humans all too often treat animals as if they have no feeling, no connection to others, no reason for being other than for our enjoyment, profit, nurishment, etc. Most animals when allowed to foster relationships with each other will do so with a connectedness that is similar to the connectedness we feel with each other. How can we not believe that they have an understanding of their misearble reality when they are treated inhumanely? Does a human mother not weap when her child is ripped from her arms? So to does the sow who just gave birth and has her calf ripped away from her because our priority is milk production for human consumption.
Trivia Question: How many mammals continue to drink milk AFTER nursing?
Milk Blog
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Holy Tightroll Batman!
Mark my words. Tightroll will be back! 80s fashion continues to trickle back into mainstream society, and tightroll will not be left behind!
It will start with the late teen/twenty something girls saying "eff" fashion...I've got my own style! Yeah, well, your own style sucks and makes you look like a triangle from the waste down.

And don't worry, the same demographic of men will join in. All those "life is pain" angsty beat nik wanna be boys who already wear their jeans painted on....well, they will realize that the jeans can get TIGHTER at the ankle, and they WILL tightroll.
Soon enough, the fashion of only the rebelous will become the hot new fad of jr. highs and high schools all over the land. And soon we'll be ready for the early 90s again....90210 anyone??? Oh yeah, we are already there.
Side Note: I do not in anyway claim to be a fashion icon. The show What Not to Wear would have my butt in a sling if they got a hold of me. However, having lived through the era of tight roll, I feel it is my duty to speak out against this atrocity.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
What if?
Even for those we have huge disagreements with, if we just decided that was okay. We disagree, but I'm still going to be kind to you. I'm still going to treat you as I would like to be treated. I dare you to try it, for just one day. NOT holding on to anger is a really powerful feeling! Sets you free, really! Freedom to be happy!
Daily Show clip
Monday, July 21, 2008
20th Annual Cedar River Festival

A visit from the Sun

Dealing with ideals.
The first time I remember going a diet was in 7th grade. That would put me at 12 or 13 years old. It was a diet I had put myself on. It was a starvation diet that was limited to wheat thins. It didn't last, as I was in love with food! I've always been in lust with the idea of being the ideal, but my undying love for food has always won out.
I hate the idea that there are 12 year olds out there right now, just like me. I hate that they see Mylie Cyrus, or Sienna Miller, or Angelina Jolie and they strive for that. But, so do I. If my adult brain completely understands and can rationally "get" that it isn't possible for me. That most of the images I see are not possible for the model themselves, than how can I expect that a 12 year old girl won't fall prey to the messages of idealized beauty. And probably thinks, upon looking at me, that I "should" care about what I eat. That I should worry about it, because who wants to be fat? My attempts to be a good role model are futile because there are too many other "perfect" role models to look up to.
I hate the idea that those 12 year olds will become 32 year olds who still obsess over their weight. Who still wish they look like 15 year olds(because what i wouldn't do to weigh what I did at 15)....or the genetically perfect 32 year olds (yes, I adore Angelina!). I'm still in awe at how we are the same age, and she gets to look like THAT! Pregnant even. I would walk around pregnant FOREVER if I got to look like that while I was.
And honestly, it won't ever be enough. At my lowest weight of 119lbs as an adult, I still wasn't happy. What if i could get to 115? Or 110 even? What then? Happiness? Doubtful. And it didn't last because what I did find was happiness. I met my husband while I was 119. He loved me for who I was and not my weight. The void I filled by working out constantly was suddenly filled with someone I cared about and I was back to my usual 135ish weight in no time. Does he still love me? You bet he does.
I guess, for the most part, my true priorties in life are to be a good person, to strive to live by the values I profess to hold dear, and to treat people in a respectful manner. When I abide by these things, I feel good about myself. But, there is always a but...or a butt:) Even when I am exactly who I want to be, I'll always wish I was a thinner version, a tighter version, a swimsuit model version of whoI want to be. Unfortunately, once the "ideal" has permeated a woman's psyche, I don't think she ever leaves.
Fellow, women...if you have successfully gotten her to leave your psyche, I'd love to hear how you gave her the boot!
Friday, July 18, 2008
Bret Miller's Art Dot Com
Two Legged Dog
If you are a dog lover, this video is worth watching! Amazing and so sweet!
Thursday, July 17, 2008
One day as a Lion

Good Links to Issues I care about.

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Saturday, July 12, 2008
A new favorite artist!

Friday, July 11, 2008
A vegan but not.
This is the link to the show that changed my life over the last threeish weeks. I fell asleep crying that night. I guess at this point nothing has drastically changed, but we are purchasing our dairy, eggs, and meat from Hansen Dairy OUtlet in Cedar FAlls, and I am in constant search of vegan pre-packaged food that will satisfy my need for junk food. Why vegan for the pre-packaged you ask? WEll, I am basically trying to boycott factory farming. If I don't know where the diary and meat came from, I try not to buy it. Unfotunately, a lot of the food I currently eat contains some type of animal by-product. I am currently eating what we have in the house now that is still non-vegan, and will replace with vegan munchies.
I am also having all my "lasts" of favorite foods. I just had OP breadsticks and ranch. I had high hopes that I would be able to make my own ranch and bring it in to the restaurant. I had researched several breadstick recipes finding them to be vegan. I was sure if I asked for no Parm on my OP breadsticks, I would be safe. Unfortunately, I have found they make their dough with eggs AND milk. DRAT! So, wednesday was my last meal of breadsticks at the OP:( Most who know me, know that is all I ever get at the OP. I even recently ate at TX Roadhouse without eating the rolls and cinn. butter. Can you believe it? ugh.
Ah well, other than eating out, all is going pretty well. I'm excited to go grocery shopping again now that I have found my accidentally vegan list of food. Google that phrase. It's pretty cool if you are a junk food junkie!