Diana's Grove...a dog rescue and much more. My mom is on staff and is down there at least once a month. If you see a four legged friend you'd like to adopt, she just might be the one to unite the two of you! I'll still never know how I remained so clueless about the puppymill issue with my mom working at a place like this! Before you buy a pet, get educated about where they come from! Boycott puppy mills and the stores that purchase from puppy mills!
Boycott Factory Farming! Buy locally! THis website bogs my computer down frequently, but they have two outlets to buy from. One is on 18th Street in Cedar Falls, and the other is on the Corner of Ridgeway and Kimball. That one is called MooRoo and they also SERVE ice cream at that store! Yum!
Boycott factory farming. Read up on the issues and decide for yourself.
Okay, sometimes even I think Peta can get a little over the top. That is because I subscribe more to a win them over with honey attitude---well, I guess honey is a bad choice of words given the issue, but you know what I mean! This is a great site to find junk food that is vegan. Many foods have meat and dairy products in them that come from factory farms. If you are thinking of boycotting factory farms, you'll have to take a really close look at the foods you buy and eat. Where does that cheddar cheese in your doritos come from???? Sad for me as it was one of my fave snacks! But this list is a great beginning to some horrible junk food that is factory farm free:) Also, see a couple posts down. My friend Kaari listed some great links for delicious vegan foods!
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