Mark my words. Tightroll will be back! 80s fashion continues to trickle back into mainstream society, and tightroll will not be left behind!
It will start with the late teen/twenty something girls saying "eff" fashion...I've got my own style! Yeah, well, your own style sucks and makes you look like a triangle from the waste down.

And don't worry, the same demographic of men will join in. All those "life is pain" angsty beat nik wanna be boys who already wear their jeans painted on....well, they will realize that the jeans can get TIGHTER at the ankle, and they WILL tightroll.
Soon enough, the fashion of only the rebelous will become the hot new fad of jr. highs and high schools all over the land. And soon we'll be ready for the early 90s again....90210 anyone??? Oh yeah, we are already there.
Side Note: I do not in anyway claim to be a fashion icon. The show What Not to Wear would have my butt in a sling if they got a hold of me. However, having lived through the era of tight roll, I feel it is my duty to speak out against this atrocity.
I have had some disturbing convos concerning tight roll since writing this blog. It appears that Northern University High School was behind the times a bit and were still tightrolling in 96?? Could this be possible? I think my tight roll era ended upon entering high school which would have been 1991. Were people still tight rolling 5 years later? Was I, and I've just forgot? My senior pics say no...high waist/tapered leg/triangle effect-yes, tightroll no! Any of my CF peeps, please help me recall? And why were our NU brethern so behind the times?
Cause NU sucked, that's why! I kid.
NO...tight-rolling was totally out by 91/92...grunge was in full effect, and no one was tight-rolling.
On a different tangent, why-oh-why were all of our pants so high-waisted. I cringe when I see all of our mom jeans in pics...SOB!!
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