There was once a day where peeps were only available in the spring around the time of Easter. Well, we now know they come in all shapes and sizes, and they are out in full effect for Halloween. I bought a box of ghosts and a box of pumpkins tonight. I have eaten the entire box of ghosts so far. If you need corroboration on this fact, please talk to Mariah. She is familiar with my weakness, as she has a similar one. BTW, Mariah, the Cadbury Eggs are out, too:) Have fun!! Josh has eaten 2 so far. I'll keep a count going for you!
P.S. You can't have a peep blog without addressing the "how do you like your peeps" question. I can eat them just opened fresh (obviously since I ate a whole box), but I do prefer them to be open for a day or so and then eat them. My dad opts for the staler the better option. He likes to hear them snap. I prefer not to break my teeth on them!
I LOVE PEEPS. I served them at my Fall Harvest party last year, and everyone was all "eww...gross!". Ha. They were all gone by the end of the night. I like mine slightly stale, bute can rarely wait that long.
Have you see this picture:
OMG - I never saw this PEEPS blog entry! LOVE IT! Where can I get my hands on some Cadbury Eggs? YUM!
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