Well, we took Karma to the K9 Playstation (i think that is what it is called). We got the stamp of approval that she is not an aggressive dog, but she does have a lower tolerance for high excitability situations. Thus, it is up to us as owners to control the situations she is in and work with her to change her behaviors in certain circumstances. I'm excited to get started with her! I was a little let down because not and hour after we got back she did one of her freak outs on Jack! Grr! Makes it feel like it'll never get better, but we just have to commit to doing it and be patient. We were told that because we do have a "pack" living in our house, that we will see pack behavior. If Karma feels she needs to correct Jack she will. It is up to us to try to keep them out of situations where Karma feels that way. So, we shall see what happens.
Additionally, we got confirmation from her that Emporium Pets does get their puppies from puppy mills! SADNESS!!! So, again, lets remember what this means. Yes, all Zeke's lil bros and sisters are probably in happy little homes, BUT where is Zeke's mama? She is probably laying in a kennel somewhere in poor health and pregnant again. I'm sure she looks like Karma, so it breaks my heart to think of little Karma-marma stuck in a situation like this. Puppy mills = Evil! Stores that sell puppies = evil! What we learned yhesterday was that true breeders aren't in it for the money and they don't generally make money. The breed out of love for the breed. The make sure both parents are good dogs for breeding healthwise and tempermentwise. They do all kinds of health tests, shots, check ups, etc for both the parents and the pups. The goal is not reproduction for the sake of selling puppies, but rather reproduction for the sake of providing people with quality dogs who are healthy and happy! Thus, any reputable breeder would never sell their dogs in the paper or at a store. Breeders who take the time to breed the "right" way, are known by people who educated about this stuff and have no problem finding a home for these babies. Unfortunately, there are way too many people like me out there who think a pup is a pup is a pup unless I want a "show dog". This just isn't true. So, even back yard breeders are looked down upon. Which for me, it is better than the mills because at least mom isn't usually trapped in some dark kennel somewhere. She is a loved family dog. But, as for the other stuff, BYBs don't neccesarily know the facts when it comes to health and temperment. Pretty interesting stuff which again, I've never thought about.
Anyway, she has got a great set up out there and I'm thinking of enrolling Jack, our rat terrier, in a class so he can move on to an agility class. She's got a whole building set up like those courses you see on animal planet. I think he'd love it, and he would expend all the nervous energy he has! I'll let you know if we go through with it!
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