I'm thinking of going even shorter. A combo of these two pics...but also keeping the fron a bit longer. More chin length so it can go behind the ears.
I've added more pics, mostly so I have them all in one place to refer back to. I'm going tomorrow for the big cut. Still wanting longer in the front, but I love all of these. I'm tempted to just tell her to go for it. But, I'm also super nervous. I think as long as I have some length around the face, I'll be fine. Also, I'm watching Jon and Kate + 8. I definitely do not want it like hers. It is almost too mushroomy. It's gonna bre a fine line. I'm scared:-S
I told this to josh and he pouted. But, he did say, "Do what you want. You let me have a mohawk." LOL. I'll probably go for it. I mean, hair does grow back.
Ooh Stacy! I think this might be cute on you! You have the perfect hair for it. I do think it's hilarious that you WERE missing your long hair not long ago... Now you just keep going shorter and shorter! Can't wait to see it!
I say go for it. You know how I feel about short hair!! AMAZING! I forgot to tell you how addicting it becomes to find new stylish cuts when its short. I'm glad the bug bit you too!!!
Lucky you don't have a fro like moi. Go for it!
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