As most of you know, I don't do the dress up thing. I hate it. I'm not creative and can never think of anything. Plus, you always end up being uncomfortable. For the past few years I've been an army girl, wearing my cargo pants and army cap. Or, a painter, wearing the same cap and my big baggie overalls. Both are usual clothes for me, so I'm really not dressing up, and I stay comfortable.
Well, this year I'm actually dressing up, BUT I get to stay cozy! Josh and I are going as Jim and Pam from The Office. And we are going as Jim and Pam in the Office Fun Run Pro Am Race for a Cure for Rabies blah blah blah whatever it is. Pretty much what I lay around in at the house on any given night or weekend (minus the visor). Awesome!!
your partaking in this annual event is awesome. I am glad to hear that you have a costume. Now help me figure out something! :)
Jim and Pam- LOVE IT!
Anyone want to volunteer to be Andy with the chaffed bloody nipples?
no I do not want to be Andy... don't even suggest that!
Woot woot! I love Jim + Pam! You two will be the cutest! :-)
Funny stuff
I suppose this means my Halloween costume/fervor will scare you!
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