I've also discovered why my little dog jack and are I joined at the hip since I started teaching. I've learned a lot about attachment styles. My attachment style is anxious-ambivalent or preoccupied. This is where you desire close relationships, but are so pre-occupied with the thought of losing those relationships that you get all clingy and can sometimes have a negative impact on the relationships you already have. Well, I think if dogs could have attachment styles, Jack would be pre-occupied as well. So really, since we are both clingy, we just cling on to each other:) There really is something about having him sleeping right next to me at night. I feel so much more relaxed. Funny and somewhat pathetic.

And then here is another picture from my perspective as I sit on the couch. Sometimes Josh and I both sit there and think about how much we love our house. We even say it out loud multiple times a week. We are dorks!

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