Monday, February 9, 2009

Scene Hair?

So I am mortified. I am apparently a "life is painer". This is my and my husband's pet name for emo kids. But I'm finding, as I am on my quest for cute, sassy, short hair, I am discovering that there is a name for the hairstyles to which I am drawn. Scene Hair or Emo Hair. Eeeegads! My recent quest is color. I want streaks of vibrant fun color in my hair. As I'm searching for this on google...I kept coming up with "scene hair".

Well, I don't care. I think we all know I'm definitely part of no particular scene unless it is the "heading into her mid-30s" scene. I hear it's pretty cool, so I'm pumped for joining the scene with my new Scene Hair! I called to make an appointment today, so get ready people. I'll be all over the scene. SCENE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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